13th September 2023

Here at St Columba’s, we believe that it's essential to include students in decision-making processes. That's why we've introduced Junior School committees, which will allow students in Junior 1 all the way through to Junior 6 to voice their opinions and be involved in making our school a better place. These committees are a great way for pupils to take ownership of their educational experience and be motivated to engage with their studies.

This year, we have several committees that our pupils can take part in. They are:

  • House Captains for Junior 6 pupils
  • Rights Respecting Schools
  • Digi-Leads
  • Librarians
  • School Nutrition
  • Class Captains and Junior Road Safety Officers
  • Eco, Fairtrade and Sustainability
  • Charities
  • Enterprise

Each committee will meet once a month to discuss their respective topics and come up with ideas to improve our school.

Including pupils in decision-making is crucial for several reasons. It promotes a sense of responsibility and ownership among pupils for their educational experience. Additionally, involving pupils in decision-making fosters a democratic and inclusive school culture, teaching them valuable life skills like critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving. It also helps our teachers gain insights into the specific needs and preferences of our pupils, enabling them to create a more tailored and effective learning environment.

We wish all of our committees the best of luck and can't wait to see the incredible things they will achieve this year!

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