As this year's MHAW theme is 'Kindness' we want to remind you to be kind to yourself as well as others.

This week has been Mental Health Awareness week, with this year’s focus on ‘Kindness’. Being kind to one another is always important, but also it is just as important to be kind to ourselves. Today has also been world meditation day, helping us to focus our thoughts and practice some mindfulness.

Earlier in the year, girls from SI created a word cloud during the dance block in their P.E lessons. The cloud was themed around friendship and includes associated words. 

Currently, being able to stay in contact with our friends is a little bit harder, but if anything, it is even more important to reach out. Remember to take the time to chat to your friends, be kind to one another and share your feelings. Sometimes a problem shared is a problem halved.


We know that today (21.05.2020) is the weekly clap for carers and many of our pupils have said that they have applauded teachers during these small celebrations. However, as it is Mental Health Awareness week, why not clap for your friends, family and congratulate yourself for navigating these turbulent times.


As we mentioned at the beginning of term on our Virtual School poster, wellbeing matters more than anything. Head of House and Form Tutors are checking in regularly, but don’t be afraid to ask for help at any time, as we are all here for you.

Mental Health Awareness week is organised by Mental Health Foundation Scotland. Their website has a wealth of resources for both during the pandemic and general mental health advice. 


The NHS has also published online boooks for Early Years children such as Dave the dog and Dotty the nurse, helping to explain the pandemic and why they might not be able to see their friends.


Young Scot have a range of resources for those in senior school, helping to explain the pandemic, and caring for your mental health during this time.

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