Trans H, Modern Studies class created their own news reports using their fantastic ICT skills.

Earlier in the year as part of virtual school and remote learning, Transitus pupils were set the challenge of producing their very own news reports. During Modern Studies, Trans H had been investigating fake news, learning how to interrogate sources and how to research effectively.

With news playing a very important role in our daily lives, the pupils learnt how to construct a report that was engaging for audiences and that included all the relevant and accurate information needed. 

It had been originally planned that the pupils would present their reports in class, but the class have such excellent ICT skills already that they were able to share their pre-recorded news reports during virtual lessons. The pupils worked remotely in teams to plan their reports even conducting their own research with in the class.

Kirsty and Erin produced an insightful and informative report on animal cruelty which can be viewed here

Well done to all the pupils who produced news reports. We are delighted to see that during remote learning pupils have shown that they are able to transfer their skills across subjects and adapt readily to the new format of lessons during virtual school.  

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